Saints and Holy People

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Blessed Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi (twentieth century)

Blessed Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrocchi (twentieth century)

Feast day: November 25

Two of the first people Pope John Paul II beatified in the new millennium were Luigi and Maria (Corsini) Beltrame Quattrocchi. They were an Italian couple who were married for 46 years. They had four children, three of whom entered religious life.

The Quattrocchi family was busy and active in the world around them. Maria wrote books on the mother’s role in the education of her children. She accompanied sick people on pilgrimages to Lourdes, in France. Luigi was a lawyer and worked for the Italian government. He was an active participant in several Catholic organizations. Every day the Quattrocchi family prayed the Rosary together, and they shared a daily devotion to the Eucharist.

The Quattrocchis knew what it meant to live in modern times, with the threats of war, disease, terrorism, and poverty. The family was involved in helping Jewish people escape Nazi persecution in Italy. Their strength was in their faith. Pope John Paul II beatified Luigi and Maria in October 2001. Beatification is the final step before being named a saint of the Church. Luigi and Maria and their family remind us of Jesus’ family of ancient times. Both families are models for us today.

(Image in public domain-70)