Saints and Holy People

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Saint Adrian of Canterbury (d. 710)

Saint Adrian of Canterbury (d. 710)

Feast day: January 9

Saint Adrian of Canterbury was born in Africa. He was selected to become archbishop of Canterbury by Pope Saint Vitalian. However, Adrian declined the position, even though it came with prestige and glory. He agreed to instead become the assistant and advisor to the new archbishop, Theodore, whom he had suggested. Theodore would one day be canonized as a saint himself.

As the new archbishop, Theodore appointed Adrian the abbot of Canterbury. Adrian enjoyed his new position and taught the classical languages and virtue to pupils from all over the British Isles. In fact, many of Adrian’s students went on to become bishops and archbishops. He taught for 40 years before he died. He was buried at the monastery. When his body was revealed hundreds of years later, it was in perfect condition.

(Image in public domain)