Feast day: March 14
Saint Leobinus was a hard worker who yearned for knowledge. The son of peasants, Leobinus worked in the fields as a youth. Yearning to quench his thirst for knowledge, he traveled to a monastery at Noailles, France, where he worked for the monks by day and was taught by them at night. He studied by candlelight late into the evenings, which annoyed the monks who had to be up early in the morning for prayers. A screen was put around the candle, and Leobinus continued his studies.
He joined the monastery in Lyon, France. During the war between the Franks and the Burgundians, he was captured and tortured to reveal the location of the monastery's treasure. Leobinus refused to reveal the treasure's location and eventually recovered from his injuries.
He was a celebrated reformer, miracle worker, and healer. Saint Leobinus is the patron of innkeepers and wine merchants close to Chartres, France.
(Image by Chatsam, Wikimedia Commons)