Saints and Holy People

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Saint Monica (332–387)

Saint Monica (332–387)

Patron saint of alcoholics, married women, and mothers

Feast day: August 27

Monica was the mother of Augustine of Hippo, a major city in North Africa. Augustine was a difficult young man who became a great theologian and bishop. He did everything he could to avoid God, but Monica never stopped praying for him. She once declared, “Nothing is far from God.” This applied to Augustine too.

Even though changing her son’s heart looked hopeless, she had faith, and he did turn his life around. Eventually Monica's son, Augustine, became a priest and bishop of Hippo, and is now known as Saint Augustine, a Doctor of the Church.  (From Good News Day by Day: Bible Reflections for Teens [Saint Mary’s Press]) 

(Image by Ary Scheffer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)